A long time ago - more than ten years or so - I appealed to the authorities of Würselen to setup an English ( Dutch and French) Web site of my home town, just to highlight the international meaning of a small vital city in in border triangle of Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany.
If you surf a bittle bit on this little web site you find the reasons why: Würselen provides an attraction to anyone who visits or want to settle down in this border triangle with Aachen as its centre to benefit from its international flair: (CHIO, RWTH Achen, Karlspreis, Karneval ...)
However, the authorities did not want to accept the challenge stating that an English web site is somehow to big for little Würselen.
This decision gave the reason for this site.
This is not an official site, not bound to political correctness or to any correctness even with respect to the English language. It is not at all a fair view on my home town. It is just my view, realized during a sunny weekend with a digital camara in my hand and some ideas in my head and some time left.
If you want to correct me, I would really appreciate any help about English wording and even content. Please don't hesitate to drop me a line.
Since August 2014, this site is hosted within our private homepage, links to this 'green' part. This is to make it a little more easier to maintain the content. Using the footer menu on this page you have access to all of our site which is for sure in German. It is not on Würselen at all. If you are interested in more information on Würselen, try the manifold of German web sites: The official site or may be good start.
Who is to blame ...

Impressum for the entire web site (German)
Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Hirsch
Kolpingstraße 13
52146 Würselen
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